
Where IS he?

Yesterday morning my phone beeped to let me know I had something on my calander. I looked and it said "BABY!". Nope, no baby yet. Baby's due date was yesterday. I thought for sure he would be here early! I guess because a lot of people I know, had their babies early. But this little guy is taking his sweet time. I was stressed about the whole thing, but the doc says he is healthy, and I am doing just fine. So I will be grateful for both and I won't complain.
Tyler has been so great. Especially these last couple of weeks when I have been a basket case. He has been my rock and I am so grateful for him and all he does to keep me strong and calm.
Hopefully we will have baby here soon...!


Jacqui said...

So excited to meet this little one! Everything will go wonderfully!

Lisa said...

Afs! I totally feel for you! I hope you are in labor right now, if not, can't you just fake it long enough for them to give you some pitossin? Just kidding. Everything will work out great, and he will come out when he's ready! Just hold the timer up to your belly and yell,"you're done! you're done!" Might work, I've never tried it. Love ya lots, and we sure are thinking about you guys!!! Can't wait to hear all the details.

Bryce and Karlene said...

Hope he comes soon. We are so excited for you both. Doesn't he know how great his parents are??? And how excited they are to hold him?? He's the one missing out on this forsure! Sure love you all and hope all goes well:)

Luvnbnamom said...

yay!! Im so excited for you!! Make sure you text me when you have the little guy! I want to come see you in the Hospital!!

bigtallhorses said...

AFS! My babies have to be induced and Jane was a week late, so I think I know how you feel, you seem a little more patient than I was though, I don't cry and I cried and cried. I finally had to pin the dr. down and say, "I need to have this baby" it seems silly now one week but at the time, I couldn't take it any more. Can't wait to hold that little baby.